In addition to the script, a small detail of Casino Royale that I enjoyed was the promotional logo from the poster, which cleverly worked the iconic '007 pistol' into the film's title, which is set in Century Gothic).

And it's a device I see they've used again in the title for this year's Quantum of Solace, which is set instead in House Industries' popular Neutraface.

The composition's a little awkward, but it works well enough. I wonder if perhaps this will become part of the Bond brand, necessitating the inclusion of at least two Os in all future titles? I imagine not, but now that they've got a run-on (two's a run-on, a run-on of two), I hope so. Although not if it proves so restrictive that Bond titles fall back into the predictable keyword mix 'n' match of the past: A View To A Kill, Licence To Kill*, The Living Daylights, You Only Live Twice, Live And Let Die, Tomorrow Never Dies, Die Another Day... BINGO! It was like self-parody at the end there. Um... Time/Space + Life/Death = New Title! Next?
And so it was a pleasant surprise to hear the latest Bond offering was to be titled Quantum of Solace. Um, sorry? Quantum? Of Solace? Who uses those words anymore? Who even knows what that title means? Brilliant!
All of which compounded the disappointment in then hearing the hyper-talented Jack White had written the theme song and called it... Another Way To Die. Groan. Jack, you're killing me! I never thought you could be the weak link in a chain. If you had to tread old ground, couldn't you have called it Fell In Love With A Spy?
I haven't seen the film yet, so no idea how it compares to Casino Royale, but hopefully the logo isn't the best thing about it. And hopefully we'll see the Double-O device again when James Bond returns in...

Horizon of Mortality? Hey? How's that for title? Ticks all the boxes: Distance of space + Reference to death + Double-O condition = GOLD! And Avenir seems like an obvious enough choice for the face. I guess only time (or the IMDb) will tell...
* Yes JJ, the original title, Licence Revoked, would have been much better. :)